Top 5 Feel Goods 10.16.20


Happy Friday, yall! All of these will make you smile and go into the weekend feeling oh so good! Enjoy!


1. This is the sweetest love story. Not only do I have extreme respect for our service men and women, but y’all know I love rescue dogs. This story has both of those two things. Can’t believe Harley got out of a war zone in Syria and now has a forever home. Thank goodness Paws of War stepped in to help Harley and U.S. Air Force Sgt. AJ Kirrish reunite.

2. Another adoption story for you! Love how hard this Dad looked to find a hypoallergenic dog for his daughter. So many people think that they don’t exist in rescues or shelters, but they do! If you are committed to rescuing then you will find a match. This story is inspiring and all sorts of sweet. Made me so happy!

3. I remember when I saw this happy dance go viral so I really enjoyed this follow-up particularly because this interview is with her boss who shows so much empathy and shares thoughtful commentary as to why she hired her. So very happy that Kallayah Jones was able to secure a job especially after being homeless. I would be doing a happy dance too. Sending her all the love and good wishes!

4. This is from a week ago, but this SNL sketch STILL gets me!!! Chloe Fineman is tooo good! If this doesn’t make you laugh until your stomach hurts, I don’t know what will. Her imitation of Reese Witherspoon - “murder you with a buttespoon” literally has me chuckling for minutes on end. It feels good to laugh, doesn’t it?

5. From CBS Sunday Morning: “In honor of World Suicide Prevention Day last month, American Ballet Theatre principal James Whiteside and The Trevor Project launched a casting call for a music video, "Left Alone," featuring a song Whiteside wrote of his own coming out story and the challenges he faced as a young, gay male dancer. Dancers from more than 20 states and five countries submitted entries, which have been edited together into this presentation for "Sunday Morning" viewers.” I’m such a fan of The Trevor Project and all the good work they do to help LGBTQIA youth feel confident and be their allies when they so desperately need it. I also just love watching people dance so I leave you with all these talented souls being their beautiful selves!