Top 5 Feel Goods 10.2.20

Another stress filled hard news week with the presidential debate among other things. As always, hoping this lifts your spirits and gives you a little cheer! It is the start of October so as one of my favorite authors writes, “I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” - L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables. Happy October!



  1. In the spirit of the start of October, I always watch Hocus Pocus at this time of the year! I grew up with this movie so it holds a ton of nostalgia for me. If you are a fan of the Sanderson sisters like I am, you’ll be pleased to hear that the actresses behind these zany characters, Bette Midler, Kathy Najimy and Sarah Jessica Parker are reuniting for a good cause. Bette Midler hosts a fundraising gala for the New York Restoration Project every year and this year, the event is being held virtually with this reunion being the hot ticket item! In Search of the Sanderson Sisters: A Hocus Pocus Hulaween Takeover will take place on October 30th and all the funds raised support the NYRP’s environmental and social justice efforts. Plus, separate news, there’s also a movie sequel supposedly in the works. Things are about to get spooky!

2. Marley!!! These cat cuddles are the sweetest. So happy Marley was rescued and found a loving home. If this doesn’t make you smile, I don’t know what will.

3. You know I can’t resist an animal video and it’s apparently good for my health! According to this article watching cute animal videos helps reduce stress and it’s a mood enhancer. The University of Leeds did a study where anxiety levels dropped by 50% with the participants after they watched a half hour slideshow of short clips of cute animal videos. Hoping the above video of the cutest friends, Blinkin and JD is a mood enhancer for you!

4. October also starts Breast Cancer Awareness Month and this story of pediatric nurse, Erika Rucks is so inspiring. Erika was diagnosed as a child with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, made it to remission and then, now as an adult, just recently, got diagnosed with breast cancer. She studied to be a nurse because of her experiences with cancer and now helps to cure children with cancer. She says in this video, “Don’t ever give up hope and live life as much as you can.” You have to watch until the end because there is the sweetest and biggest surprise! She and all our nurses deserve all the praise and gratitude.



5. October 1st was National Black Dog Day! National Black Dog Day was started to end the stigma of black dogs being mistakenly believed to be bad luck or bad omens. The campaign is to help raise awareness to that they aren’t overlooked when it comes to adopting them from shelters or rescues. I personally love black dogs and black animals! I love animals no matter what color and it makes me sad that there is this stigma out there. However, what makes me happy is that this day exists and that there are so many amazing animal advocates out there fighting to help change people’s minds about the beauty of black dogs. I especially loved reading these Top 10 Awesome Reasons to Adopt a Black Dog. Even if you can’t adopt right now, just spreading awareness helps and/or making a donation to your local animal shelter or rescue on behalf of all the black animals they may have. I don’t know about you, but black is beautiful to me.