Top 5 Feel Goods 8.21.20


Happy Friday! The news items this week really gave me big smiles and made me feel warm. These are a few that stood out that I just adored and wanted to share. Hope you feel the same when reading them. Have a happy weekend!

  1. "My goal is to give 1 million books to 1 million kids," Khloe said. This eight-year-old little lady, Khloe warms my heart. This story is so sweet. Love her friendship with Officer Jessica Berry and how they are spreading good together. Her grandmother helped her connect with Officer Berry and now they’ve given away more than 6,000 new books! The power of community. Nice job, Khloe & A Book and A Smile! Read full story here.

2. C’mon! If this chunky beaver doesn’t make you grin real big, I don’t know what will! This video is super cute and he even finds love! You know, I always like a happily ever after and I’m a big fan of sweet potato too! :)



To donate to the rehab center where Wishbone was rescued or any of the other animals (they are raising money for eagles right now), you can check out their instagram: @Wildside_Rehabilitation_Center

3. After spending 136 days in a hospital with COVID-19, Colby Douglas, a Special Olympics gold medalist in swimming got to go home!!! What a moment! It’s so hard during this pandemic to see all the families and people suffering so to hear this good news made me tear up, not only for Colby but for his Mom, Gayle, featured in this story. The quote that made me all sorts of choked-up was when George Douglas, Gayle’s husband, commented, “You've interviewed presidents and actors and everybody else. Well, here's another rock star that you can be interviewing here, is Gayle. Because she's just phenomenal.” So very happy for Colby and the Douglas family!



4. Fittingly, this week was the 100th Anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment guaranteeing and protecting women's constitutional right to vote. Even though when I read this, I was shocked to learn there are over 24 statues of men in my beloved Central Park, but no women. Until NOW. This new statue will feature women’s rights pioneers, Susan B. Anthony, Sojourner Truth and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Watch/read here.

5. Local newspapers are one of the essential ways news gets to a town since very small towns can be news deserts. This story of how Pam Bluhm who worked at the Chatfield News in Minnesota for nearly 40 years saved her town newspaper is so very heartwarming. Her start-up money was the Covid-19 stimulus check she received! Community residents pitch in to help write certain stories and donate to keep the paper running. They are overjoyed that Pam has resurrected the Chatfield News. “Service to humanity is the best work of life,” she said. “That’s my motto.” Read this story here.