Dear Readers: My First Blog Post!

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So, it's live!  Ahhhh!  I can't believe it. Creating a blog is something I've always wanted to do, but I was really intimidated to start one.  Not sure if it felt too intimate or perhaps I was nervous about judgment.  However, the more and more I thought about it, I thought — What's the big deal?! I gave myself a little pep talk.  Do y'all ever do that?  Where you constantly battle with that little voice that tells you, you can't do something, or that's silly, or when are you going to find the time, voice?  I call it the Little Miss Excuses voice.  Little Miss Excuses just makes excuses so you don't have to do something that you might be scared to do.  Things I said in my pep talk to myself and Little Miss Excuses: You've always wanted to share things that are working for you so you can maybe help others, that's nice, right, Shawl? You've always wanted to create a community where others can also reach out to you and give you perspective or advice. That's a definite plus. You really like to write and you don't get to do it often so why not hold yourself accountable to writing something every week. Pursue that inner child passion. And finally, a lot of people have a blog, but that’s ok. Why not just go for it? Add your perspective to the mix. Obviously, my pep talk worked and Little Miss Excuses, well, she was shut down.  Bye girl, bye.   

It's funny because when I started my first podcast, The Bubby Sesh, I felt like I was podcasting before everyone had a podcast so I got to trailblaze a bit in that dept., but in the blog dept. I'm just part of the herd. Weirdly, that was another way Little Miss Excuses made me think I shouldn't do this.  But, it's ok to be just one of many.  In an over saturated blog market,  I'm still bringing something unique, something no one else has and no one else can have, MY perspective, ME.  No one has lived my experiences combined with my background, my interracial/intercultural marriage, my motherhood journey and my experience living in NYC and figuring out what I value.  So, I'm excited to share with all of you my Georgia meets NYC, Indian-American, married, Mama, animal advocate, bubbly, happy, thoughtful and compassionate, kind self.  I want to create care, conversation and community in this space and to hopefully help people either feel good after reading something on here or reflect on something I'm reflecting on. To sharing my experience with motherhood, marriage, friendship, what I'm loving or what makes me smile and to share what I'm passionate about and to have some real talk on what I'm either advocating for or reflecting about.   It's all right here.  

Hope you'll interact with me and show me who you are either in comments or in messages.  Part of this beautiful journey called life is that I get to experience it with others so please do come along beside me.  Excited to be on this journey with you. 
