Top 5 Feel Goods 9.4.20


Happy Labor Day Weekend, y’all!! Hope these items get you smiling and kick off the long weekend right!

  1. This literally rocks! This drum battle challenge between child prodigy, Nandi Bushell and famous Foo Fighters’ frontman, Dave Grohl was sooo much fun to watch. I’m always impressed by musicians doing their thing especially drummers since it takes such stamina and energy. Not to mention this 10 year old girl has gumption! Love how confident she is in her ability and that she had the guts to face off with Dave Grohl. Dave admitted defeat in this first video. This second one shows their battle side by side. All I gotta say is, rock on with your bad selves!

2. Had to include this story from CNN because it came out on my sixth wedding anniversary! However, six years is nothing compared to 79 years! Julio Ceasar Mora and his wife Waldramina Maclovia Quinteros have been married for 79 years. Guinness World Records has certified that they are the world's oldest living married couple. How beautiful to see this couple’s marriage and love last for so long! This article shares some of their top six tips for keeping love alive.

3. Now, I love the entrepreneurial spirit of a lemonade stand, but when the money raised gives back in this way it’s so very special. What a big heart for an 11-year old boy to have. Cartier Carey is helping single moms since he noticed a shortage of diapers during the pandemic. Not only did he raise money through selling lemonade, but his stand served as a donation diaper drop-off. Over 22,000 diapers were donated to single moms and Cartier started a non-profit called Kids 4 Change. So proud of Cartier and hope this inspires other young people to offer to help those who need it in their communities.

4. This is what sportsmanship is all about! When high school runner Axel Aleman saw that Levi LeGrange was hurt in the 5K race they were running together, he stopped and helped him across the finish line. Levi had rolled his ankle and Axel saw it happen and could tell he was in a lot of pain. As other runners zoomed past them, Axel said that he couldn’t not help. “As soon as I saw him, I knew I had to do something,” said Aleman, who also plays soccer, wrestles and runs track. “It just seemed like the right thing to do. That mattered more than the race. I told him I wasn’t going to leave.” I love stories of outright kindness and this story is definitely one of those. Axel is a true role model in doing the right thing. Read the full store Here.

Guide Dog Foundation and

Guide Dog Foundation and

5. These two are a match made! I adore this story because it’s about the power of service dogs. Radar, a Labrador Retriever guide dog was placed with Anastasia Pagonis, a blind 16-year-old and one of the top athletes on the U.S. Paralympic Swimming Team. She’s training for a chance to compete in the Paralympics in Tokyo. When speaking about Radar, Anastasia says “Having Radar by her side only makes her feel more fierce and unstoppable. "He is literally amazing and he is the smartest dog in the world," she says of the pooch, who goes with her everywhere, including the pool. “ Service dogs are so essential for so many and the relationship they have with their owners is extraordinary. More of Anastasia and Radar’s heartwarming story is Here. September is National Service Dog month and to celebrate that consider supporting or donating to the organization where Radar came from the Guide Dog Foundation.